Edit Volunteer Opportunities
Organisations can edit and change ongoing volunteer opportunities:
- Click on "Volunteer Opportunity"
- Click on "Current"
- Click " ⋮ " on the right and select "Edit"
- Click "Publish" after edit
If the job has already received applications, the schedule cannot be edited
Change schedule
- If the job has not received applications, you can click "Edit" and modify the schedule
- If the job has already received applications, you cannot change schedules. We recommend that you can use the methods below:
- Method 1: Add a new date and time for the existing volunteering
- Click on "Volunteer Opportunity"
- Click on "Current"
- Click " ⋮ " on the right and select "Edit"
- Click "Add Session" in "Session"
- Once added, you can add a new date and time for this session in the "Schedule"
- Click "Publish" after edit
- Method 2: Create a new volunteering
Create a new volunteering
Add the applied participants to the new volunteering by adding existing contact
Set the visibility of the existing volunteering as
Update the applied participants’ status as
in the existing volunteering
- Method 1: Add a new date and time for the existing volunteering
Notify participants
- If you change the schedule/ other information (e.g., venue, activity content, etc.), the applied participants will not receive an email notification
- Therefore, please inform the participants of the change at the same time
Edit Application Form
- You can update the "Applied time slots" for the registered participants by editing the application form
- For details, please refer to "How to manage volunteer application"
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