Table of Contents
Open Attendance List
1. Open your browser and go to
2. Click on the Volunteer Opportunity under "Upcoming Events," and you will be redirectd to the "Attendance List."
On the attendance list page, you will see three tabs: Attending, Checked-in/out, and Confirm Hours.
- Attending: Displays the list of confirmed applicants.
- Checked-in/out: The names of checked-in volunteers will be displayed here; you can click "⋮" to restore check-in/check-out times and update remarks. You can also check the boxes on the left for bulk actions (e.g., bulk check-in and report absences).
- Confirm Hours: Manage confirmed hours, report absences, etc.
How to Confirm Volunteer Hours
- Click on the "Confirm Hours" tab.
- On the right side of the volunteer information, click "⋮" and select "Confirm Hours."
After entering the confirmed hours and minutes, click "Confirm." The system will display a message indicating that volunteer hours have been successfully confirmed.
Quick Confirmation of All Participants' Hours (must be for the same hours)
- Click on the "Confirm Hours" tab.
- On the right side of the volunteer information, click "⋮" and select "Confirm Hours," following the steps to confirm hours for the first participant.
3. Click "⋮" and select "Copy Hours to Others." The hours will be copied to other volunteers with unconfirmed hours.
4. Check the boxes on the left for bulk actions, then click the green button "Edit Selected." The system will display a message indicating that volunteer hours have been successfully confirmed.
Change Saved Volunteer Hours
💡 This action is applicable for correcting incorrectly entered volunteer hours.
- Click on the "Confirm hours" tab.
- On the right side of the volunteer information, click "⋮" and select "Undo confirmed hours."
- Confirmed volunteer hours will be marked in parentheses; staff must repeat the confirmation steps to update confirmed hours.
Mark Volunteer as Absent
If a volunteer is absent without notice, please enter 0 hours 0 minutes in the confirm hours section; for details, please refer to how to confirm volunteer hours.
If a volunteer is absent due to other reasons:
- Click on the "Confirm hours" tab.
- On the right side of the volunteer information, click "⋮" and select "Absent."
- After providing a reason for absence, click "Save." The system will display a message indicating that you have marked the volunteer as absent.
Bulk Absences
- Click the "Attending" tab.
- Check the boxes on the left for bulk actions.
- Click the green button "Edit Selected," select "Absent," provide a reason for absence, and then click "Save." The system will display a message indicating that you have successfully marked participants as absent in bulk.
Record Check-in Time
- Click the "Attending" tab.
- Click on the √ icon next to that attendee to turn it into a timestamp.
- The relevant record will move from “Attending” to “Checked-In/Checked-Out” tab.
Bulk Check-in
- Click the "Attending" tab.
- Check the boxes on the left for bulk actions.
- Click the green button "Edit Selected," select “Check-In” and “Confirm.” The system will display a message indicating that you have successfully bulk-confirmed participants' check-in times.
Undo Check-in Time
- Click the "Checked-in/out" Tab.
- Click on "⋮", then click “Undo check-in”. The system will display an empty timestamp for check-in time.
Record Check-out Time
- Click the "Checked-in/out" tab.
- Click on “⋮”, then click “Check out.” The system will display a message indicating that you have successfully confirmed the participants' departure time.
Undo Check-out Time
- Click the "Checked-in/out" tab.
- Click on “⋮”, then click “Undo check-out”. The system will display an empty timestamp for departure time.
Update Remarks
- Click on “⋮” and select “Update remarks.”
- Enter your remarks and then press “Save.”
- The system will display a message indicating that remarks have been successfully updated.
Clicking on the “More” button allows you to make instant applications as well as scan for check-ins and departures; for detailed information, please refer to this page.
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